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Clinical Outcome Study


Early experience with the Aversion Pedicle Screw has been extremely positive.  The modification to the pedicle screw shaft is designed to reduce contact between the threading of a misdirected pedicle screw and the associated nerve root.   An expanded clinical trial is underway to more fully evaluate the effectiveness of the modified screw in reducing the risk of postoperative nerve root irritation from a misdirected pedicle screw.  

Mechanical Properties Study


The novel and patented design of the pedicle screws generates some questions regarding their mechanical performance - fatigue properties, pull-out strength, etc.  Testing of the devices was undertaken to characterize the mechanical properties of the system.  You will find that the Aversion Pedicle Screw compares very favorably to other systems currently available in the marketplace. 

Clinical Backround Information


The anatomic and clinical rationale behind the Aversion Pedicle Screw System is summarized here for your review. 

K7 Spine

54 Moonrise Way 

Henderson NV  89074


 432 661-2818

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